You'll recall, in April, 2007, that the Vatican's notorious disdain for Israel quickly materialized into a bitter, public dispute when it turned down the invitation to attend a ceremony held at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem --an annual occasion facilitated to honor and remember the millions of Jewish lives that were lost in one of the darkest, most evil periods in recorded history. E

Now, as then, the Vatican has allowed its scathing hatred--one spanning centuries--of the Jewish people to radically influence its foreign policy. By insisting that the "Palestinian refugees", whose very existence comprises the mainstay of what is arguably the most effective propaganda campaign unleashed since Goebbels', have the "right of return", the Vatican has taken the position that said "Palestinians" hold the "right" to return to a land that is their own, and that Israel is the "foreigner". This position, in and of itself, stands in diametric opposition to the Word of God on a plethora of fronts. This is a land whose deed is Scripturally and emphatically placed in the hands of the Jewish people, as outlined in the Abrahamic Covenant.
I will make you a great nation. (Gen 12:1) On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying 'To your descendants I have given this land, From the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates.'(Gen 15:18)
Furthermore, this is a land to which the Lord promised His people would be restored.
For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. Ezek 36:24
If the "Palestinian Right of Return" is valid, then its validity has merit only if the land from which they claim Israel "evicted" them is their own. Can there be found even one square inch of land in Israel that the "Palestinians" can rightfully claim as their own?
1.) The LORD, through His Perfect and Infallible Word--Supreme in, of and by Itself--is telling you that this is a land reserved for a people whom He has "set apart as Holy". (Deut 7:6)
2.) As evidenced by its stated position on this issue, the Vatican disagrees, and, pursuant with its own Catechism, emphatically and erroneously props itself up as being "infallible", as it were.
One is Truth; the other, inveracity. When we court the former, we solidify our abilities to counter the latter.
Vatican: "Palestinian" Refugees Have Right of Return