January 14, 2008 - The theological foundation of Christian Zionism is predicated upon the faithfulness of God to His Promises--specifically, those found in the Abrahamic Covenant.
This represents a formidable obstacle for Replacement Theologians--those who would maintain that God is "finished" with the Jewish people--who, as a subsequent result of their disobedience and rejection, can no longer be called the "Apple of His Eye". God's faithfulness not only discredits Replacement Theology, it completely renders it as a position that is as unbiblical as it is untenable.
Even so, in response, the Christian Zionist would ask: what if God is a Faithful God? What if the Holy One of Israel is an omniscient God--knowing beforehand the transgressions and backslidings of His people? What if God is a God of forgiveness and mercy? Are these not the fundamental character attributes of our Divine Creator? If we truly know God as such, then how is it we've failed to acknowledge His promises accordingly? Is our God a God who would intentionally facilitate a Covenant with a people He chose [Deut 7: 6-8], label it as "everlasting" [Gen 17:7-8] and "irrevocable" [Romans 11:29], with the full knowledge that He would nullify said Covenant at a later time when His people failed to live up to it--a failure of which He knew beforehand?
The Theological Background of Christian Zionism: Part III - Reconsideration