July 12, 2007 - The last time we caught up with the Anti-Christian League United, we found its minions trolling around war memorials in the Mojave Desert, neck-deep in their pathological infatuation with purging this country of its only, true source of cohesiveness: Christianity. In May, we wrote a piece examining two ACLU lawsuits that targeted the placement of Christian crosses at war memorials in the Mojave Desert (a World War I memorial) and the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial in San Diego. While a nation paused to honor the sacrifices of its fallen heroes, the ACLU poured its resources into uprooting, quite literally, that which our fallen heroes held sacred--their Christian faith. Still, Southern California was rather generous to its ACLU attorneys, as a Federal court granted their motion, and the cross at the Mojave memorial was subsequently covered with a tarp.
Of no secret is the anti-Christian agenda of the ACLU. It's as insidious as it is nauseating. A search of this country's more popular, albeit pathetic judicial proceedings will reveal an extensive number of cases in which public expressions and professions of the Christian faith have met with a routine,vitriolic response from ACLU henchmen. Among the more popular cases have been those involving prayer in public schools. More specifically, a predominant number of ACLU-initiated cases involving prayer in schools and/or at school functions have been cases in which Christianity is the "target of choice". Here are just a few. In an effort to defend the clear and present ACLU smear-campaign against prayer in the public school system, Joe Cook, a Louisiana-based ACLU attorney, stated the following:
"Public schools should be kept inclusive and secular in keeping with our founders' ideas for religious liberty for all,' said Cook. 'Because public schools are part of the government, official school-organized or school-sponsored devotional exercises are inconsistent with the principle of religious freedom.' World Net Daily
Later in this very same interview, Cook made statements in which he likened observed prayer during school board meetings to terrorism. Such statments would become enshrouded in controversy and anger. "Referring to the school board, Cook said, 'They believe that they answer to a higher power, in my opinion, which is the kind of thinking that you had with the people who flew the airplanes into the buildings in this country, and the people who did the kind of things in London.'" World Net Daily
A more recent, public outcry has resulted from an elementary school just outside of, once again, San Diego. At this particular school, recess time sees many kids on the playground doing what normal school children should be doing--playing. However, a second group of students at the school--all muslims--are allowed to gather in one of the school's classrooms for the purpose of organized prayer. With its controversy building, this is a case that could land itself in the Supreme Court, rather quickly, on the following premise: Are we catering to muslims--while denying Christian believers their religious freedoms? Why could we not expect the school district to reserve a classroom for practicing Christian students, as well? The attorney for the San Diego school district in question provided a rather suspect answer:
"The San Diego district took special action regarding the timing of recess because the muslim faith requires specificity of prayer obligations ... that most other religions do not," Mr. North says. He denies reports that a new recess was added specifically to address the religious needs of the muslim students." Source: UCI
Oh, now I get it, counselor. This is why the school district in question has yet to be, and likely will not be invaded by a horde of lawsuit-wielding, ACLU henchmen. I can hear the closed-door, off-the-record discussions already: "Islam is an exception to the rule. Whatever we do, let us not do anything that may upset our muslim community. Their religious obligations are complex. After all, what other faith requires prayer 5 times per day? Let us do everything we can to ensure the school lives, as well as the prayer lives, of our muslim students are as comfortable and meaningful as we possibly can. Christians? Who said anything about Christians? Those fanatics can pray anytime, as long as it's not on school property."
So, let's review what we know:
VALID GENERALIZATION #1: As evidenced by its eternally-damning track record (see previous link to WorldNetDaily article), we may logically generalize that the ACLU has established itself as an organization with a preposterously-skewed, anti-Christian agenda.
VALID GENERALIZATION #2: As evidenced by the statements made by an ACLU spokesman, we can, with every certainty, logically generalize that the ACLU--the so-called "Guardians of Liberty"--have labeled public education as a government entity predicated upon a "secular" foundation. Moreover, the ACLU has likened those who practice their religous freedom at school-sponsored functions to the 9/11 terrorists.
VALID GENERALIZATION #3: As evidenced by the factual accounts coming out of a public school district in San Diego, we can logically generalize that muslim children are given space and time to pray during the school day.
LOGICAL CONCLUSION: As evidenced by its rare, albeit predictable silence and the absence of Christian overtones in this particular case, we observe an ACLU that could care less.