August 6, 2008 - I received this earlier today via email and, I must say, it is one of the most touching situations I've had the honor to ever encounter. I ask that you please consider getting behind the request made in the following video clip. Please know that you will be comforting and blessing a very special family in Israel in a way that is beyond description. Please watch the following video clip very carefully.
Dear Sir,
I ask you to help me with "Blondi goes around the world" campaign, Please watch this You Tube clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzS3G2pZ7MI
See the campaign home page: http://www.blondi.co.il/bwt2008/index.html
Please help to forward and distribute to CSWI community.
Thanks in advance
Yossi Zur, Blondi's father
Haifa, Israel
Asaf's (Blondi) memorial web site: www.Blondi.co.il