May 22, 2007 – Frustrating—vexing, even, to me are those who call themselves, “Christians”, who just don’t seem to “get it” when it comes to harvesting a sound interpretation and implementation of the Word of God. Mind you, there are numerous doctrinal components of the Holy Scriptures that, when all avenues of expository and exegetical dialogue have seemingly been exhausted, routinely manage to evade my feeble span of comprehension. These include topics such as the Rapture, God’s omniscience, and the Trinity, just to name a few-- all of which I believe in firmly, yet understand, dimly. It is during such times in which discernment and understanding are at a premium that I rely upon, to a heightened degree, my faith in and prayer to the One who resurrected.
Conversely, there are also those passages in the Scriptures which require a minimal level of exegetical thought. These historical, albeit prophetic accounts given to, and thus recorded by mortal man through Godly penmanship are what I call, “self-interpreters”. Specifically, these are biblical passages which interpret themselves and require not the arrogant, oft-misguided modifications of man, but his willingness to “be still” and listen to what the Word of God is conveying.
Unfortunately, biblical ignorance begets inaccurate interpretation which in turn begets false doctrine. The result is deception. Read the article in its entirety: Replacement Theology Debunked