March 21, 2007 - This nation observed as anti-war protesters of varying stripes took to the streets over the weekend to voice their opposition to an Iraqi war that has now entered its fourth year. We are a nation, you see, that affords its citizens the inalienable rights to speak freely and assemble peacefully for the purpose of petitioning the government. This is a nation in which we are allowed to practice freely any religion we choose, or openly renounce it. People flock to the
Of particular interest was an anti-war demonstration held in Portland, Oregon under the guise of a "peace rally". No, this wasn't a case involving a group of loony, peace-loving flower sniffers sitting in a circle singing, "Kumbaya" whilst holding signs that read, "War is wrong, give peace a chance." No, this was a gutless mob whose members--most of whom could not have been over the age of 17, valiantly chose to don ski masks to protect their identity. Their message? Quite literally, "Stop Funding Israel Apartheid!", "F^*K the troops!" and "No God, No Country, No Masters", were the words written on just a few of the signs that were paraded around the streets of downtown
This baffles me. That these people fail to see the unthinkable ramifications of a sudden troop withdrawal from Iraq is beyond my span of comprehension. But what really concerns me are the American men and women in uniform. How are our soldiers left to feel? Do anti-war protesters and demonstrators stop, if even for a moment, to think about that? What do their vitriolic demonstrations do to the morale of the soldiers who place themselves in harm's way, daily, to provide the very blanket of freedom under which American citizens--most of whom are spineless cowards who are about as close to serving their country as they are to eating it, are free to insult their great service by burning effigies of them along with the very flag for which they are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice?
To these anti-war demonstrators, I have but this to say: Know that your demonstrations did nothing to facilitate peace. They did nothing to modify our objectives in